weighed today - 7.2 kg
the vet said that was o.k, but i need to change my diet. gone is the weetabix, raw mince, milk and rice pudding :( so much for the diet plan in my puppy pack. now having three meals of royal canine (labrador junior) have to admit it is yummy. i have also developed a taste for chives fresh from the garden....mmmm
Today was a bit scary....I had to go to see a lovely vet at Penmellyn Vets. She gave me some treats....and an injection - yuk! Today was not all bad.... I found out that Tom, the cat, moves! How exciting chasing him round the garden, spoil sport then jumped over the fence!
I managed to go outside to the loo all by myself today, for some reason I got extra treats (not complaining though!) I have finally won the battle of "wipe your feet, Alfie" I just run off with the cloth before they have chance to use it - ha ha.
I was born on Saturday, 9th of July 2011. I came to live with my new family on Thursday 22nd September. After a sleepy start, I have found my paws and have now settled in.