Monday, 10 October 2011

OWWW..... THAT HURT :( Monday 10th Oct 2011

I had my second injection today. That wasn't too bad, the nice vet gave me lots of treats, but then he stabbed me with a gun! It was my microchip, it was HUGE and it made me bleed :( It hurt and I cried.
I was very sleepy when we got back home so I spent the afternoon napping. Then Bec gave me a new toy, a giraffe with a squeaker.....this will be fun. I have loads of toys and chews now, but I still like to chew the kitchen chair the best!

I am 3 months old today!
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on the up!

Hey, I discovered the stairs the other day. It took me several goes to master them, but now I can run up quickly. Coming down is more tricky....I sometimes manage to hop down, but i usually come down on my belly...much safer!

"it's so high up here!"

If only they would leave the doors open......I'm sure I could get into some more mischief up here!
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Growing FAST!

Just look how much I have grown in 2 weeks! I now weigh 8.3Kg
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Saturday, 1 October 2011

My First Bath.

My first bath was on Thursday, exactly one week after my arrival. I was very smelly from the kennels, but had to wait a week for my bath as my skin was poorly. I was very well behaved (video to follow when she has got the hang of Premier Elements!) and enjoyed the water and rub down.

Blow drying my fur was not as much fun - it was noisy. Once I got used to it, it was rather relaxing... and now my fur is salon soft.

Cleaning my teeth was great! I even got to hold the brush!

Now I smell much better and look even more cute....if that's possible :0)
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How cute am I !

Today I got in an awful mess.My family decided it would be a good idea to put blue paint on my paw and get me to walk across some paper. However I decided it would be much more fun to walk across everything BUT the paper, to sniff and try to eat the paint and to have a good ol' scratch with my blue paw......paint everywhere!

look how small my paws are :0)

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